IV. Project Workshop in Pécs

29/10/2018, 09:00 am - 29/10/2018, 03:00 pm
Results: the best 10 Croatian Business Plan
Information day in Vocational school Virovitica
VIDRA-Virovitica-Podravina County's Regional Development Agency today organized I-Dare Information day in Vocational school Virovitica Address:Vukovarska cesta 1, 33000 Virovitica
I-DARE on Saturday in Pécs
I-DARE training for adults and those people who are availeble for trainings only on Saturdays
05/03/2018, 12:00 am - 04/04/2018, 12:00 amPécsi SZC II. Béla Gimnáziuma, Szakgimnáziuma, Szakközépiskolája és Kollégiuma Pécsvárad
I-DARE Pécsvárad
Training dates in Pécsvárad: 21 March 2018 28 March 2018 4 April 2018
01/03/2018, 12:00 am - 10/03/2018, 12:59 am
I-DARE, Start!
I-DARE, Start! First training days in Pécs: 8-9-10 March 2018 Students from: PSZC Radnóti Miklós Közgazdasági Szakgimnáziuma Pécsi Művészeti Gimnázium és Szakgimnázium
01/03/2018, 12:00 am - 31/03/2018, 12:00 am
Training Start Dates in March to Trainings from April
28/02/2018Pécs, Majorossy I u 36.
Project Workshop Pécs
Address: Project workshop Pécs Address: Chamber of Commerce and Industry Pécs, Majorossy I u 36.
29/01/2018, 12:00 am - 28/02/2018, 12:00 amwww.i-dare.net
From January 2018, the registration to the I-DARE project is open, and it is available on the project website at www.i-dare.net. Everyone can apply who is excited and wants to learn the entrepreneurial knowledge and innovative business planning. The only requirement for free participating is 5 days training session and prepare your own business plan based on what you have learned. In Baranya County, nearly 100 applicants will have the opportunity to acquire these, new knowledge. The first round of application deadline is February 28, 2018.
01/01/2018, 12:00 am - 28/02/2018, 11:59 pm
Registration to the I-DARE project
If you are interested in the subject and would like to participate in the program, register!
The project webpage is funded by the EU through the Hungary-Croatia Cross-Border Cooperation Program.