[javascript protected email address]">PROJECT RELATED DATA SHEET DOCUMENT
Data Controller Name Pécs-Baranya Chamber of Commerce and Industry Manager: Szabolcs Rabb
Position: Secretary
E-mail address: szrabb@pbkik.hu
Phone number: 72 / 507-148
Website: www.pbkik.hu
Headquarters: 7625 Pécs Majorossy Imre utca 36.
Tax number: 18304433-2-02
Privacy Officers
Privacy Officer Name Krisztina Erdős-Pohli's Email: pohli@pbkik.hu
Phone number: 72 / 507-149
Name of the Privacy Officer Laczkóné Dr. Ildikó Csécsi E-mail address: ilaczko@pbkik.hu
Phone number: 72 / 507-156
Name of project I-DARE
Project code HUHR / 1601 / 4.1.2 / 0006
Project duration 2017 09.01 - 2018.12.31
Project Location 7625 Pécs, Imre Majorossy Street 36.
Project Officer Nikolett Spóka
Phone: +36 20 362 1833
E-mail address: poko.nikolett@pbkik.hu
Legal background
The data management of the Pécs-Baranya Chamber of Commerce and Industry related to the aforementioned event is carried out according to the following rules:
information on the right to information self-determination and freedom of information, CXII. (hereinafter referred to as "Infotv.");
REGULATION (EU) 2016/679 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and repealing Regulation (EC) No 95/46 / General Data Protection Regulation)
The scope of the personal data handled and the purpose of data management
The Personal Data Type Purpose of Data Management
Participant Name Attendance Sheet
Participant's email address To send a confirmation email or a reminder email
Signature of participant To confirm presence
Photo (not portrait) Documentation of the event
Legal basis for data handling:
"Affected Contribution".
Duration of data handling:
The application and contact information will be stored for 5 years after the closing date for the project, then
will be removed from the system.
The automatic deletion of the data does not entail the deletion of the printed attendance bands.
Access to data:
Your application information is available from representatives of the following organizations:
Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Pécs-Baranya (7625 Pécs, Imre Majorossy Street 36)
SZPI Western Hungary Inspection Department (7621 Pécs, Széchenyi tér 9.)
Government of Hungary (1055 Kossuth tér 1-3.) As the IMIS system manager.
The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Pécs-Baranya does not pass on its recorded data to other persons, except for the official request.
Data security measures
The data provided to the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Pécs-Baranya are partially stored on servers owned and owned by us and partly by the following service providers: cloud services:
CR Hungary Informatics Ltd. (7623 Pécs, Jászai Mari street 3.)
The Pécs-Baranya Chamber of Commerce and Industry will take appropriate measures to protect your personal information, including unauthorized access or unauthorized alteration.
Your Privacy Rights:
right of access
the right of rectification
right to cancel
the right to limit the processing of data
the obligation to notify about correcting or deleting personal data or limiting the processing of data
its right to data storage
right to protest
Remedies for Data Handling:
The National Data Protection and Information Authority (hereinafter referred to as "the Authority") may initiate an investigation with your notification by claiming that there has been a violation of law or the direct danger of exercising its rights to the processing of personal data. The Authority will investigate complaints only if you have already contacted the Pécs-Baranya Chamber of Commerce and Industry before the Authority announces that you have exercised your rights under this Prospectus.
Contact Authority:
mail address: 1530 Budapest, Pf .: 5.
Address: 1125 Budapest, Szilágyi Erzsébet fasor 22 / c Phone: +36 (1) 391-1400
Fax: +36 (1) 391-1410
E-mail: [javascript protected email address]
Project Handbook dissemination in Pécs

15/11/2018, 03:00 pm - 15/11/2018, 07:00 pm
I-DARE, how to make a good business plan? The Project handout the HANDBOOK has been prepared with all information about Croatian and Hungarian...
Privacy Policy
The project webpage is funded by the EU through the Hungary-Croatia Cross-Border Cooperation Program.