IV. Project Workshop in Pécs

29/10/2018, 09:00 am - 29/10/2018, 03:00 pm
Results: the best 10 Croatian Business Plan
11/12/2018, 09:00 am - 11/12/2018, 01:00 pm7622, Pécs Rákóczi út 80.
Handbook dissemination in Pécs
The I-Dare handbook will be presented again on December 11, 2018 at the Open Day of University of Pécs, Faculty of Business and Economics (7622, Pécs Rákóczi út 80.), you can join us from 9 a.m. Everyone can participate in the program, those who are interested in entrepreneurship, in conditions for making a good business plan, best practices through Croatian and Hungarian examples. See you there!
28/11/2018, 09:30 am - 28/11/2018, 04:00 pm
Closing Conference in Osijek
Osijek, 23rd November 2018 INVITATION TO THE I-DARE CLOSING CONFERENCE AND TO THE PRESENTATIONS OF THE BEST BUSINESS PLANS Dear Sir/Madam, It is our pleasure to invite you to the I-Dare closing conference and presentation of the best business plans by Croatian and Hungarian high-school and university students. The mission of the I-Dare project is to place attention to the importance of business planning and entrepreneurship based on an established methodology which has already been in use for 14 years in the business plan writing competition Budi uzor. This approach has proved...
16/11/2018, 09:00 am - 16/11/2018, 06:00 pmZagreb
International exhibition of innovation in Zagreb - I -DARE participates too
Be the role model™ will be held on 16th of November 2018 in Zagreb under the motto "I dare to prepare". The final ceremony is an opportunity for the presentation of business plans in front of a jury made up from economists, bankers, professors and entrepreneurs. First three finalists are awarded with gold, silver and bronze medal. To make the competition even more interesting, every year, with the help of partners and sponsors, interesting prizes are provided. Be the role model™ is the winner at the national level for the European Enterprise Promotion Awards - EEPA 2017. and 2018 in...
15/11/2018, 03:00 pm - 15/11/2018, 07:00 pm
Project Handbook dissemination in Pécs
I-DARE, how to make a good business plan? The Project handout the HANDBOOK has been prepared with all information about Croatian and Hungarian entrepreneurship, about all enterpreneurs experience that a beginner entrepreneur may need to know at first time. The I-DARE project provided training about enterpreneurship and business plan making for high school students and vocational secondary school students as well as young adults. The jury selected the best 10 Croatian and Hungarian business plans, so the project is close to come to the end. Each participant is a winner, as they can...
09/11/2018, 10:00 am - 09/11/2018, 04:00 pmVirovitica
Workshop for I-DARE finalists from Virovitica
Finalists will learn how to make a good presentation and present their business plan to jury at the final conferenc in Osijek.
29/10/2018, 09:00 am - 29/10/2018, 03:00 pm
IV. Project Workshop in Pécs
Results: the best 10 Croatian Business Plan
24/10/2018TERA Tehnopolis Osijek
Workshop for I-DARE finalists in Osijek
Workshop with I-Dare finalists from Osijek. Finalists will learn how to make a good presentation and present their business plan to jury to the final conference in Osijek.
12/10/2018, 12:00 am - 19/10/2018, 12:00 am
Training in Vukovar for students from the University Lavoslav Ružička
I-Dare trainings at the University Lavoslav Ružička in Vukovar. The students write their innovative business plans with the mentorship of professor Darija Ivanković.
26/09/20187625 Pécs, Dr. Majorossy I. u. 36.
III. Project Workshop in Pécs
Results: the best 10 Hungarian Business Plan
18/09/2018Vukovarska cesta 1, 33000 Virovitica
Training -Consultation session for students in Vocational school Virovitica
The students write their innovative business plans with the mentorship of Neda Martić, Branimir Sladojević, Sanela Petrović-Fijala and Duško Mandić.
The project webpage is funded by the EU through the Hungary-Croatia Cross-Border Cooperation Program.