The I-DARE project finished officially with 31th December 2018. But all project materials are available on the project website, please feel free to contact us in the future too!
Project Handbook dissemination in Pécs

15/11/2018, 03:00 pm - 15/11/2018, 07:00 pm
I-DARE, how to make a good business plan? The Project handout the HANDBOOK has been prepared with all information about Croatian and Hungarian...
Final Conference and the best Hungarian and Croatian business plans, Success Stories
More than 150 people attended to the closing conference, where Hungarian and Croatian young people presented their best business plans selected by the jury the Hungarian and Croatian business plans that received the title of the best success story of the project. The best Hungarian business plan deals with the production and distribution of organic fruit juices and drinks, produced by Sofia Tóth from the Radnóti Miklós Gymnasium in Pécs. The best Croatian business idea was wool thermal insulation technology by Mario Komljenović, by a student from the University of Osijek, Faculty of Agricultural Biology. But we have to highligh that every finalist is winner, every participant and best business planner was awarded with a certificate participating in the project. All the finalists and the two top-ranked students will have the opportunity to complete their business plan with six-month incubation or mentoring. Congratulations!
The Project’s closing ceremony will be held on November 28, 2018, in the Hungarian Educational and Cultural Centre Building in Croatia, at 12 Drinska Street, Osijek, beginning at 9:30 AM. During the final ceremony the Honorary Consul of the Republic of Hungary in Osijek, Mr. De Blasio, the Director of the Common Secretariat for Croatian- Hungarian CBC, Mr. Márton Szűcs, Mr. Róbert Fazekas vice-president of Baranya County ensured us about their participation. The audience will be more than 100 participants. All the finalists of the Project will participate in the conference, and 21 of them will present their business plans to the members of the expert jury in three-minute presentations. All finalists will receive awards and diplomas for participating in the Project, and two top finalists will be chosen and promoted as success stories, along with the opportunity to turn their project into reality through a free six-month incubation period in the business incubator center.
We look forward to see You soon at the Conference!
Sincerelly Yours,
the I-Dare Team
The best 10 Croatian business plan
The 10 best Hungarian are selected already and now the 10 best Croatian business plans were selected in this October. The Croatian best candidates are from Osijek, Virovitica and Vukovar, which were their ideas?
The I-DARE project provided training for high school students and vocational and secondary school students as well as young adults for the preparation of a good business plan. The professional jury evaluated how individual entrepreneurship idea was unique, how well developed and how realizable it was on the market. Throughout the summer it was possible to improve the business plans, and even at the request of the participants, the final deadline for submission was extended. The participants came up with a lot of innovative ideas, and there were very prosperous plans of young adults. Like the Hungarian ideas, the Croatian participants also came up with a healthy lifestyle business plans, involvement in services, development of a software development company, webshop development. At the fourth project workshop, on October 29, 2018 in Pécs, the jury presented the selection criteria and experiences of the business plans and presented the 10 best Croatian business plan owners. Each participant is a winner, as they can participate free of charge in the project's training programs, the top 10 best business plan writer win incubation opportunities for the realization of their own business plan.
Among the bests were selected 7 students' business plans from the University of Osijek, from the Faculty of Agriculture and Biotechnology, two students from Osijek high schools , from the Gaudeamus and Winestem secondary schools, and two more students from the Vukovar high school. Among the business plans were the local beer advertising modeling the Vukovar water tower, an innovative gift box, a lightweight accordion and instrument production, a security guard system with thermal cameras, an innovative water purification system. In the project. In total 11 business plans from the secondary schools of Virovitica and College for management in Tourism and Informatic in Virovitica were selected, with special remuneration to motivate young people to start their enterprise. These business plans contain innovative, smart solutions to households, but also include a business plan for a webshop or a package delivery company. Based on the themes of the plans, it is clear that the young people started on the line of simplier implementation and implementation, with healthy lifestyles being taken into account in their plans, American enterpreneurs are interested to one of this plan realization. All students among the 10 and the special choosed ones are invited to the closing conference on 28 November 2018 held in Osijek where the top 10 Croatian and Hungarian business plans will be presented.
The best 10 Hungarian business plan
The I-DARE project's business plan trainings, summer consultations are finished.
More than 130 participants, more than 100 submitted business plans.
The jury decided to have the 10 best business plans among the Hungarian participants in the project.
Each participant is a winner as they could participate free of charge in the project training programs. Among the 10 best business plans, in the adults category are 6 people, two unemployed young adults four ladies who would start their business with their family. In the high school category, 4 students' business plans were among the best 10 from the PSZC Radnóti Miklós Economics High School. According to the decision of the jury, 3 students' business plan was awarded for special prizes, 3 students from the Pécs Art High School and Gymnasium and 3 students from PSZC II. Béla High School of Pécsvárad. Special prizes owners will also be invited to the closing conference on 23 November 2018, where the top 10 Croatian and Hungarian business plans will be presented in Osijek, in Croatia.
Consultations in September
We extended the deadline for submitting the business plan and we organized further consultation times at the request of the participants. Croatian and Hungarian mirror programs and consultations are provided during September in Osijek and Virovitica.
The dates of the Pécs consultations are:
September 4, 5, 6, 10, 11, 12, 17
For more information on the project, visit and if you have any questions, please contact us at, participation in the consultation can be done by registering or by requesting a date.
Consultation times in Virovitica:
September 5, 13, 27
For more information: Karolina Ilic, [javascript protected email address]
Consultation dates in Osijek:
September 5, 19, 28
For more information: Ivona Mrva, imrva @ hr
Summer consultations
The I-DARE project trainings finsihed already in June but everyone can apply to mentoring or consultation till end of August who are dare to present his business plan by a Hungarian and Croatian Jury.
As in Croatia and Hungary the mirrorprograms are under realisation in Pécs, Osijek and Virovitica all the summer project programs.
Summer Consultation dates in Osijek
9, 10, 26 July 2018
9, 22, 29 August 2018
More information about the project, application to the consultation dates, or registration: Ivona Mrva, imrva@hr
Summer Consultation dates in Virovitica
30, 31 July 2018
7,14, 21, August 2018
More information about the project, application to the consultation dates, or registration: Karolina Ilic, [javascript protected email address]
Summer Consultation dates in Pécs
10, 17, 31 July 2018
7,14, 21, 28 August 2018
More information about the project, application to the consultation dates, or registration: Nikolett Pókó [javascript protected email address]
On the road to the best business plans
The trainings will end in June but until the end of August everyone can apply for participating on mentoring who wants to present his innovative business plan for the Croatian and Hungarian jury. Mentors will discuss with each participant all details of the submitted business plan so really viable business plans can be created.
The Croatian partners of the project have begun to involve the people in Osijek and Virovitica. They promote the project in Osijek, at the University Osijek, and teach them the basic knowledge required to become entrepreneurs. In Baranya, the project is progressing, mentoring and delivering ready business plans, Croatian students are still halfway through the training. Nearly 100 Croatian students and adults join the program, who in autumn will present their best plans with the best Hungarian innovative companies in front of the Hungarian-Croatian professional jury.
Innovative business plans, free mentoring
Trainings are ongoing, everyone can join to the trainings who wants to get know more about the innovative business plan until the end of May.
On project forums, participants can hear lectures about marketing and current entrepreneurial knowledge, learn about the application, which is easier and simplier to complete as a 15-page business plan. After the lectures and training days, you can apply for individual and small group mentoring, where mentor suggestions are given specifically to the business plans.
Trainings for adults
The I-DARE project provides adults with modular training sessions on Saturdays. Many candidates have indicated this date because of their everyday activities, such as moms on maternity leaves or those who would start a business at a full-time job. A special training session will be organized for registered unemployed people. They can also join to the forums and workshops by the end of June, but the months ahead will be going about mentoring.
We are still waiting for candidates for our adult trainings, deadline for application is 30th April, 2018.