I-DARE, how to make a good business plan?
The Project handout the HANDBOOK has been prepared with all information about Croatian and Hungarian entrepreneurship, about all enterpreneurs experience that a beginner entrepreneur may need to know at first time.
The I-DARE project provided training about enterpreneurship and business plan making for high school students and vocational secondary school students as well as young adults. The jury selected the best 10 Croatian and Hungarian business plans, so the project is close to come to the end. Each participant is a winner, as they can participate free of charge in the project training, programs, the best will get additional incubation opportunities to establish a real business. During the project gained important information about the entrepreneurial experiences, how to start the business, and more useful information was gathered for the preparation of the Handbook, which can be reached on Hungarian, Croatian and English languages.
The Hungarian language handbook will be presented on November 15, 2018 at the occasion of the National Young Entrepreneurs Week's Pécs event. Everyone can participate in the program, those who are interested in entrepreneurship, in conditions for making a good business plan, best practices through Croatian and Hungarian examples.
At the event of 15 November 2018, participation is free, but the registration is obligatory, please register here: http://fvh2018.fivosz.hu/