


On the road to the best business plans

The trainings will end in June but until the end of August everyone can apply for participating on mentoring who wants to present his innovative business plan for the Croatian and Hungarian jury. Mentors will discuss with each participant all details of the submitted business plan so really viable business plans can be created.

The Croatian partners of the project have begun to involve the people in Osijek and Virovitica. They promote the project in Osijek, at the University Osijek, and teach them the basic knowledge required to become entrepreneurs. In Baranya, the project is progressing, mentoring and delivering ready business plans, Croatian students are still halfway through the training. Nearly 100 Croatian students and adults join the program, who in autumn will present their best plans with the best Hungarian innovative companies in front of the Hungarian-Croatian professional jury.

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The project webpage is funded by the EU through the Hungary-Croatia Cross-Border Cooperation Program.