The best 10 Hungarian business plan
The I-DARE project's business plan trainings, summer consultations are finished.
More than 130 participants, more than 100 submitted business plans.
The jury decided to have the 10 best business plans among the Hungarian participants in the project.
Each participant is a winner as they could participate free of charge in the project training programs. Among the 10 best business plans, in the adults category are 6 people, two unemployed young adults four ladies who would start their business with their family. In the high school category, 4 students' business plans were among the best 10 from the PSZC Radnóti Miklós Economics High School. According to the decision of the jury, 3 students' business plan was awarded for special prizes, 3 students from the Pécs Art High School and Gymnasium and 3 students from PSZC II. Béla High School of Pécsvárad. Special prizes owners will also be invited to the closing conference on 23 November 2018, where the top 10 Croatian and Hungarian business plans will be presented in Osijek, in Croatia.