
Final Conference and the best Hungarian and Croatian business plans, Success Stories More than 150 people attended to the closing conference, where...
29/05/2018, 10:14 am - 01/06/2018, 10:14 amVukovarska cesta 1, 33000 Virovitica
I-DARE training sessions at Vocational school Virovitica
I-DARE trainings sessions at Vocational school Virovitica Dates: 29th May 2018. 30th May 2018. 01st June 2018.
24/05/2018, 02:00 pm - 31/05/2018, 12:00 amPSZC Radnóti Miklós Közgazdasági Szakgimnáziuma, 7633 Pécs Pécs, Esztergár Lajos u. 6.
Mentoring sessions for vocational schools in Pécs
For Students from: PSZC Radnóti Miklós Közgazdasági Szakgimnáziuma Pécsi Művészeti Gimnázium és Szakgimnázium Dates: 24th and 31st of May 2018
16/05/2018, 12:00 am - 31/05/2018, 12:00 am
I-DARE Training at College for Management in Tourism and Informatics in Virovitica
I-DARE Training at College for Management in Tourism and Informatics in Virovitica Training sessions: 16th May 2018. 17th May 2018. 18th May 2018.
14/05/2018, 02:00 pm - 28/05/2018, 02:00 pmFaculty of Agriculture in Osijek, Vladimira Preloga 1, 31000 Osijek
I-Dare trainings at the Faculty of Agriculture in Osijek
Dates 14th May 21st May 28th May
12/05/2018, 12:00 am - 09/06/2018, 12:00 am
Saturday training - Finance planning
Address: Chamber of Commerce and Industry Pécs, Majorossy I u 36.
Information day in Osijek
Presentation of the I-Dare project to the groups with special needs as part of the Open Days of EU Projects Day in Croatia Within the framework of the traditional marking of the European Week, the Ministry of Regional Development and Funds of the European Union, supported by the European Commission, is organizing the Days of Open EU Projects in Croatia, which will be held from 6th to 13th May 2018. TERA Tehnopolis Ltd., a Croatian consortium I-Dare partner, participate in this event and will promote I-Dare project on 8th May 2018 under the workshop. The aim of the workshop is to educate...
Information day at the Innovation Day held by University of Pécs
Place: Zsolnay Negyed E78 Felsővámház utca 52. 7626 Pécs
05/05/2018, 01:00 pm - 05/05/2018, 05:00 pmKOHO Co-working House,Pécs, Koller u. 5/2.,
Project Forum
Forum in Pécs
04/05/2018, 09:00 am - 04/05/2018, 04:00 pm Address: Kneza Trpimira 2B, 31000 Osijek
Information day at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Computer Science and Information Technology Osijek
Encouraging employment and education of young people at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Computer Science and Information Technology Osijek Within the course Business Economics in the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Computer Science and Information Technology Osijek, TERA Tehnopolis team presented the I-Dare project with the aim of encouraging employment and education of young people. The purpose of the lecture was to explain to potential participants the importance of a well-written business plan when starting their own business. Its creation is facilitated with a newly...
The project webpage is funded by the EU through the Hungary-Croatia Cross-Border Cooperation Program.