IV. Project Workshop in Pécs

29/10/2018, 09:00 am - 29/10/2018, 03:00 pm
Results: the best 10 Croatian Business Plan
17/09/2018Gymnasium Gaudeamus Osijek
For students from Gymnasium Gaudeamus, a private high school from Osijek
The students write their innovative business plans with the mentorship of professor Mario Frohlich.
04/09/2018, 12:00 am - 17/09/2018, 12:00 amMore information: Pécs: i-dare@pbkik.hu, Osijek: imrva@tera.hr, Virovitica: [javascript protected email address]
Consultations in September
Mentoring and consultations regarding business plan writing We extended the deadline for submitting the business plan and we organized further consultation times at the request of the participants. Croatian and Hungarian mirror programs and consultations are provided during September in Osijek and Virovitica. For more information on the project, visit www.i-dare.net and if you have any questions, please contact us at [javascript protected email address], participation in the consultation can be done by registering or by requesting a date. In Osijek 5, 19, 28 September In Virovitica 5, 13, 27 September In Pécs ...
09/07/2018, 12:00 am - 29/08/2018, 12:00 amMore information: Pécs: i-dare@pbkik.hu, Osijek: imrva@tera.hr, Virovitica: [javascript protected email address]
Summer Consultations
Mentoring and consultations regarding business plan writing Mentoring and consultations regarding business plan writing In Pécs 2018.07.10 2018.07.17 2018.07.31 2018.08.07 2018.08.14 2018.08.21 2018.08.28 in Osijek 2018.07.09 2018.07.10 2018.07.26 2018.08.09 2018.08.22 2018.08.29 in Virovitica 2018.07.30 2018.07.31 2018.08.07 2018.08.14 2018.08.21
11/06/2018, 12:00 am - 13/06/2018, 12:00 amPSZC Radnóti Miklós Közgazdasági Szakgimnáziuma, 7633 Pécs Pécs, Esztergár Lajos u. 6.
Training and Mentoring sessions for vocational schools in Pécs
For Student from: PSZC Radnóti Miklós Közgazdasági Szakgimnáziuma Pécsi Művészeti Gimnázium és Szakgimnázium
05/06/2018, 06:00 pm - 05/06/2018, 12:00 amEleven,7621 Pécs Jókai tér 11.
Project Forum II.
Presentation of an economist entrepreneur
04/06/2018Faculty of Agriculture in Osijek, Vladimira Preloga 1, 31000 Osijek
I-Dare trainings at the Faculty of Agriculture in Osijek
Fourth I-Dare training in the Faculty of Agriculture in Osijek 4th June, 2018
02/06/2018, 12:00 am - 09/06/2018, 12:00 amPécs-Baranyai Kereskedelmi és Iparkamara Pécs, Majorossy I u 36.
Training and mentoring saturdays in Pécs
Dates: 02.06. and 09.06.2018 Financing planning in business plan
30/05/2018, 09:00 am - 01/06/2018, 02:00 pmPécsi SZC II. Béla Gimnáziuma, Szakgimnáziuma, Szakközépiskolája és Kollégiuma Pécsvárad
Pécsvárad II
Business plan, financial planning
The project webpage is funded by the EU through the Hungary-Croatia Cross-Border Cooperation Program.